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The Neuroscience of Cognition and Affection is housed in the Medical Physics Laboratory of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. The group’s mission is to serve the community needs by endeavoring (a) to investigate human emotions, (b) to evaluate the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions of physical and cognitive stimulation, and (c) to understand how these interventions nurture cognitive health and emotional well-being throughout the life span of both healthy population as well as cognitively challenged patients. Central to these efforts has been the group’s dedication to fuse the emerging field of affective computing and affective medicine with neuroscientific research3 in an attempt to study the topography and neural sources of human emotions, their oscillatory and synchronisation mechanisms, how these are affected by alcohol consumption, or aged decline or in stressed everyday situations as well as how affective technology can be used to educate children with emotional deficits. More about the group can be found here.

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Sleep Study

This database was created through the pharmacological intervention of the SMOKEFREEBRAIN project ( The scope of this intervention was to assess the possible effects of varenicline during the sleep of smokers. The intervention, namely the administration of varenicline was distinguished into two treatment periods. The first treatment period lasted for a maximum of 18 days. Prior and right after the first treatment period, the pre- and post- polysomnographic (PSG), behavioral, and clinical measurements were taken. The second treatment period initiated right after the second (post) PSG session and lasted for a maximum of 71 days. After the second treatment period, the follow-up behavioral, and clinical measurements were taken. Therefore, clinical, and behavioral data correspond to the pre and follow up stages of the intervention, while the PSG data correspond to the pre and post stages. There fewer subjects that reached the followup in comparison to the subjects that completed the post-stage (2nd PSG session). The success in smoking cessation was assessed through measurement of the cotinine levels after 12 weeks of varenicline treatment (pre-follow up).

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