If you’re an American over the age of 25, you may remember chickenpox -- formally known as the varicella zoster virus -- as an inevitable rite of passage. As the Center for Disease Control has written: “Before the availability of varicella vaccine in the United States, almost everyone had varicella.”
Welcome to SmokeFreeBrain Public Dataset Portal
SmokeFreeBrain aims to address the effectiveness of a multi-level variety of interventions aiming at smoking cessation in high risk target groups within High Middle Income Countries (HMIC) such as unemployed young adults, COPD and asthma patients, as well as within the general population in Low Middle Income Countries (LMIC). The project addresses existing approaches aiming to prevent lung diseases caused by tobacco while at the same time it develops new treatments and analyzes their contextual adaptability to the local and global health care system.
Advisory Council for Infectious Disease is a working group that performs research and prepares reports to inform...
SAS is an autonomous public healthcare provider linked to the Regional Ministry of Health of the Government of Andalusia...
The Committee on International Affairs is a working group to identify opportunities to learn from and collaborate with...
The Neuroscience of Cognition and Affection is housed in the Medical Physics Laboratory of Aristotle University of...
This is a test dashboard to check the features.
How do changing workforce demographics inform how we budget for a retirement and pension fund or budget and program evaluation?
Transportation systems across the country are adapting to meet the needs of their stakeholders. It's a basic service that many citizens rely on, so it has to work for everyone all of the time.
How are crime rates and types represented appropriately when comparing major metropolitan cities?