Test Dashboard
Dashboard title
Catalog and Dataset required fields
field | this label | value |
conforms to | Data Standard | https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/ |
dataset | resources | dataset files |
title | Title | title |
description | Description | Human-readable description (e.g., an abstract) with sufficient detail to enable a user to quickly understand whether the asset is of interest. |
keyword | Tags | tags |
modified | Modified | Is automatically generated everytime you edit the dataset |
publisher | ??? Author?? | The publishing entity and optionally their parent organization(s). |
contactPoint | Contact Name & Contact email | Contact Name & Contact email |
identifier | Identifier | is automatically generated |
accessLevel | Public Access Level | is automatically set to public |
license* | License | Open Data Commons Open Database License (default?) |
spatial* | Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area | The range of spatial applicability of a dataset. Could include a spatial region like a bounding box or a named place. |
temporal* | Temporal Coverage | The range of temporal applicability of a dataset (i.e., a start and end date of applicability for the data). |
distribution* | ?? | A container for the array of Distribution objects. See Dataset Distribution Fields below for details. |
distribution-accessURL* | ?? | URL providing indirect access to a dataset, for example via API or a graphical interface. |
distribution-downloadURL* | ?? | URL providing direct access to a downloadable file of a dataset. |
distribution-mediaType* | ?? | The machine-readable file format (IANA Media Type or MIME Type) of the distribution’s downloadURL |
(header - add content - text) title
This will keep a brief explanation of the dashboard's contents
Added Text in header.
(content - text) title
This is the 1st text content
Added css id to make it linkable to the list on the left
The following link is created using the text in brackets and using dataset/test-dataset inside parenthesis
more text title
mpla mpla
field topic title
More text
more text for testing