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The University of Seville is an institution that provides the public service of superior education by means of studies, teaching, and research, as well as the generation, development and diffusion of knowledge to serve citizens and society. Closely linked to the history of Seville and Andalusia, the US combines the values of tradition with being an innovative institution of quality and excellence. It is a university as cutting edge and cosmopolitan as the city of Seville itself. It has more than 500 years of experience in knowledge management, with studies adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It is committed to quality and excellence, and was awarded with the European Certificate of Quality for the EFQM model of Excellent and distinction as Campus of International Excellence. It is the main public university in Andalusia, with the highest number of students. It is a great team of more than 70,000 members.

University of Seville